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Dr. Duncan McCollum, DC has been in practice serving the Santa Cruz County area for 20 years. We want to help as many people as possible and look forward to the opportunity to continue serving the community in any way that we can. In Better Health.

McCollum Wellness Center - 1726 Seabright Ave - Santa Cruz - CA - 95062 - 831-459-9990

Monday, January 11, 2010

January 2010 Detox Group Cleanse

We had a great nutritional cleanse orientation Jan. 4th & 5th with a fun, dedicated group of people. Everyone is excited about improving their health and losing unwanted fat from their body. There's a mix of 9-day, 15-day, and 30-day cleanses happening this month. What a great way to start the New Year! You can find here a great support system, instructions, comments and inspirational success stories.


  1. Weighed in at Duncan's 276 on Jan 5 2010 today (1/13) I weighed 264 at home. Big discrepancy in Digital scales? some I am sure. Been working out. I dont ever feel hungry unless I am off schedule. I have slipped and added snacks but plan to do the cleanse as is. DB

  2. Hey There, I could not resist weighing myself today while at the center. I lost 9 pounds in 7 days with 2 days left on the 9 day cleanse. YEAH! I did get a cold and an ear infection but I don't beleive it had anything to do with the cleanse. I know it had to do with smoking ciggaretes for the last 6 months! I feel satisfied on the 9 day and intend to continue with another back to back starting on Monday. My goal is to loose 50 pounds and get back into those size 14 pants :-) EJ

  3. My true goal is to be healthier and feel better about myself. I am looking forward to going for a walk today. Before it starts to pour down rain.
    I keep reminding myself that I only need to move for 20 minutes each day. That gets my shoes on and me out the door shortly thereafter.

    I am on the 2 day portion of the 9 day cleanse. I am glad it is a weekend, so I can focus on the timing and schedule. The boiled eggs, ready to go in the frig. if I get really hungry feel comforting :-0

    I know a few of you did not get started right after our meeting. I hope to hear from you and learn how it is going. EJ

  4. Wow Daniel,
    You are really working it steady.

    The temptation to weigh myself at home was compelling but I waited until my visit at the center just to calibrate reality :-)

    I know how those snacks can slip in here and there as they do for me too! EJ

  5. Yeah! I lost 11 pounds of fat and gained 1 pound of muscle!EJ

  6. Hi There, I am looking for a phone buddy to keep my program going. Anyone out there? EJ 252-2238
